- 1 Registration of Marriages in Delhi
Application Procedure for Marriage Registration in Delhi | Registration Fee for Marriage Registration in Delhi | Application Form for Marriage Registration in Delhi |
The importance of marriage registration cannot be overstated. Many states only allow you to register your marriage through the mail, but in Delhi, you can apply for registration certificates both online and offline. Are you looking for information on a marriage registration certificate? If that’s the case, you’ve come to the correct place. You will learn how to apply for a marriage registration certificate in Delhi, what the fundamental prerequisites are, how much the marriage registration certificate costs, and much more.
Registration of Marriages in Delhi
If you are already married, you may seek for a marriage registration certificate under one of two statutes: the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 or the Special Marriage Act of 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act applies where both the husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, or Sikhs, or have converted to one of these religions. In the event that the husband or wife, or both, do not belong to these communities, the Special Marriage Act of 1954 applies. To learn more, have a look at the additional material provided.
Eligibility Conditions
- The bride is just over 18 years old, and the groom is just over 21 years old.
- In the case of the Hindu Marriage Act, two witnesses are required.
- Three witnesses are necessary for registration under the Special Marriage Act.
Significant Documents of Bride & Groom
- Date of birth proof
- Aadhar Card
- Date Of Birth Certificate
- Driving License
- Hospital Report
- Passport
- SSC certificate etc.
- Address proof before and after marriage
- Aadhar Card
- Bank Passbook
- Driving License
- Electricity Bill
- Gas Bill
- Pan Card
- Passport
- Ration Card
- Rent Agreement
- Telephone Bill
- Voter ID Card
- Water Bill, Etc.
- Affidavit
- Photo ID proof
- Aadhar Card
- Driving License
- Pan Card
- Passport
- Ration Card
- Voter ID Card
- Any Other Government Recognized Document
Significant Documents of Witness
- Permanent address proof
- Aadhar Card
- Bank Passbook
- Driving License
- Electricity Bill
- Gas Bill
- Pan Card
- Passport
- Ration Card
- Rent Agreement
- Telephone Bill
- Voter ID Card
- Water Bill, Etc.
- Identity proof
- Aadhar Card,
- Driving License
- Pan Card,
- Passport,
- Ration Card,
- Voter ID Card,
- any other government recognized document
Apply Online for Delhi Marriage Registration
- Visit the E-district Delhi website to apply online.
- If you are a first-time user of the portal, you must first register.
- To register, go to the citizen’s corner and select “new user.”
- Choose from “Aadhar card” and “voter ID card” as the type of document.
- Read the declaration and check the checkbox after entering the number and captcha code.
- Proceed with the procedure by selecting the option to continue.
- By selecting the “registered user login” option, you can log in to the site.
Required Documents for the Offline Process
- Ration Card Affidavit by both parties stating the location and date of marriage, date of birth, marital status at the time of marriage, and nationality.
- Two photos the size of a passport
- Marriage Invitation Card with Photograph (If Available)
- In the case of a divorcee, an attestation copy of the divorce decree or order is required.
- In the case of a widow or widower, an attestation copy of the spouse’s death certificate is required.
Delhi Marriage Registration Form (Offline)
- You must go to the official website to apply offline.
- To get started, go to the “Home and Community” area.
- A new page displays on the screen once you select “Marriage Certificate and Registration.”
- Click here to get an application form for registering a Hindu marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act. “Click here for an Application Form for Registration of Marriage Under the Special Marriage Act,” or “Click here for an Application Form for Registration of Marriage Under the Special Marriage Act.”
- Fill out the application form after downloading it.
- Take the application form and all supporting documentation to the Sub-Divisional Magistrate’s office.
- Your paperwork will be reviewed, and a date for registration will be set and sent to the parties. In the case of the Hindu Marriage Act or the Special Marriage Act, both parties must be present after the documents are submitted for the issue of a public notice inviting objections. If no objections are raised, the registration will be completed after 30 days.
Download Marriage Registration Certificate
- To obtain a copy of the certificate, go to e-official District’s website.
- Go to the Print/Download Certificate option on the home page.
- Then choose the specifics. Department and Applied for are two examples.
- After that, submit the application/certificate number as well as your date of birth.
- Fill in the captcha code that appears on your screen.
- Select the option to proceed.
- On the screen, the certificate will appear.
- To print, select the print option.
Track Your Application
- To track your application, go to the e-District official website and select the track your application option.
- Then choose the relevant information, such as Department and Position Applied for.
- After that, supply the application number as well as the applicant’s name.
- Fill in the captcha code that appears on your screen.
- When you select the search option, the status will appear.
Helpline Number
- Call center contact Number: 011-23935730, 011-23935731, 011-23935732, 011-23935733 and 011-23935734 (09:30 AM to 06:00 PM on working days)
- Email ID:
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