In April, the Jaipur–New Delhi segment of the Vande Bharat Express will launch. The railways released its schedule on Wednesday. The Vande Bharat would stop in Gurgaon, Rewari, and Alwar along route from Delhi to Jaipur. Throughout the first week of testing, it will go at a speed of 72 km/h. The train's speed is expected to be boosted to 150 km/h if all goes well. Testing of … [Read more...] about Delhi Jaipur Vande Bharat to take 1.45 hours at 150 KMPH, here are the Details
Delhi News
H3N2 Virus: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
Introduction H3N2 is a subtype of the Influenza A virus that can cause seasonal flu outbreaks in humans. This virus is a highly contagious respiratory illness that affects millions of people worldwide. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and prevention measures of H3N2 is essential to reduce the risk of getting infected and spreading the disease. Causes of H3N2 Virus … [Read more...] about H3N2 Virus: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention
IHGF Delhi Fair 2023
The Export Promotion Council for Handicrafts hosts the International Gifts and Handicrafts Fair (IHGF) twice a year, in the spring and fall (EPCH). Indian handicrafts have been appreciated for generations because they embody the purity, elegance, and beauty of Indian culture. They also have a history that is just as long, varied, and rich as the country itself. The Indian … [Read more...] about IHGF Delhi Fair 2023
Delhi Dwarka Expressway: Information and an Update on the Situation
Dwarka Expressway Dwarka Expressway, also known as Northern Peripheral Road or National Highway 248-BB, is an 8-lane, elevated grade-separated expressway that will eventually stretch for 27.6 kilometres from Dwarka in Delhi to Kherki Daula Toll Plaza in Gurgaon, Haryana. The motorway will begin at Shiv Murti in Mahipalpur, Delhi (kilometre 20 of National Highway 48, or old … [Read more...] about Delhi Dwarka Expressway: Information and an Update on the Situation
Meet the Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi: Early Life, and Political Career
Shelly Oberoi 22 February 2023, Indian politician Shelly Oberoi took office as mayor of Delhi's municipal government. After the merger of North Delhi, South Delhi, and East Delhi into a single Municipal Corporation of Delhi, Oberoi was elected as the city's first mayor. Early Life and Career Originally from India, Shelly Oberoi entered the world in the year 1983. She … [Read more...] about Meet the Delhi Mayor Shelly Oberoi: Early Life, and Political Career